TBAT Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Tennessee Businesses Against Trafficking (TBAT) is a statewide initiative dedicated to uniting businesses across Tennessee in the fight against human trafficking. Our program aims to mobilize businesses to take a stand against this heinous crime and work towards its eradication.

You can take the first step by visiting our website at tbat.tnsos.gov and completing a brief application form. Upon completion, your business will be on its way to becoming a TBAT partner.

As a TBAT partner, your business will join a network of like-minded organizations committed to combating human trafficking. You'll have access to resources, support, and training opportunities to help you and your employees become informed and empowered advocates in the fight against human trafficking.

TBAT offers the Tennessee Secretary of State's Anti-Human Trafficking training, designed to equip businesses and their employees with the necessary knowledge to recognize the signs of human trafficking and take appropriate action. Once your business becomes a TBAT partner, a member of our office will reach out to schedule a training session at your convenience.

Empower your employees, customers, and industry partners to actively engage in the fight against human trafficking. By raising awareness, implementing preventive measures, and supporting anti-trafficking initiatives, your business can make a significant impact in preventing human trafficking in Tennessee.